OOO "The Leningrad assembly factory"

The open joint-stock company «Leningrad assembly factory» is registered on March, 14th, 2002, for realisation of the large investment project – buildings and factory functioning on assemblage electric and mark gas cookers «Bompani». The contract with the Italian firm Fox S. p. A di R Bompani on delivery of supply and accessories has been signed in 1998. In August of the same year memorable to much Russians when the economy of our country was shaken with a default, the first plate Bompani of Petersburg assemblage has descended from the factory conveyor. The Firm-partner has been chosen not casually: the home appliances of trade mark Bompani are very popular not only in Italy, but also in many other countries of the world. Every year the volume of output steadily grew, and in old cases at the Bypass channel to factory became close, so in enterprise plans has appeared — an exit in roughly developing economic zone of Leningrad region. Under known to all country Vsevolozhsk 3,95 hectares of the earth under new factory have been rented. In December, 2008 the first stage of a universal industrial-warehouse complex has been successfully placed in operation. In the end of 2008 shareholders of Joint-Stock Company «Leningrad assembly factory» the decision to alter society economic activities was accepted. In 4th quarter 2008 manufacture has been stopped, the basic means occupied in the course of production have been translated on preservation. Then the branch new to us, development floor spaces a perspective direction which directly is connected with improvement by a macroeconomic situation in the country, decrease in investment risks and rates of development of the domestic and foreign network companies began to develop. For today of Joint-Stock Company «the Leningrad assembly factory is one of the largest lessors is industrial-warehouse Leningrad region.

Information presentation about the Universal Industrial Complex.
Certificate of state registration. Administration building.
Certificate of state registration. First queue, industrial building.
Certificate of state registration. Warehouse.
ZAO "Leningradski sborochnii zavod" grants areas on lease.
1. Industrial-warehouse building - 2669,3 sq.m.
The proposed area is part of industrial building. It is constructed of steel sandwich pannels. Floor load is 7500 kg per 1 sq.m. All rooms are equipped with fire safety. Industrial-warehouse building complex is served by it's own gas boiler-room. Also contracts for water, electricity, internet, etc. were signed.
Industrial-warehouse complex was comissioned in December 2010. To date, the object is recording in the Federal Agency of the State Regestration, Cadastre and Cartography of the Leningrad region, Vsevolozhskiy department.
2. Administrative building (3rd floor) - 568 sq.m.
This is a three-storeyed building. Administrative building grants to the tenant without finishing. Taking into account this circumstance, it's possible a grace peroid when the tenant finish repairs ontheir own.
Administrative building was commissioned in December 2008. Certificate of State registration 78-AG № 746262 issued February 2009.
3. Canopy - 453,45 sq.m.
Information on February 2011.